A Muslim View of Trinity (3)

Yet another aspect of Christian doctrine that Muslims find scandalous concerns the belief in Jesus Christ as the “Son of God.”  The Qur’an seems to be particularly appalled at the very possibility of such a blasphemous notion.  The Qur’an acknowledges Jesus as a messenger of God, and as Christ, while emphatically denying the claim that…

A Muslim View of Trinity (2)

Perhaps no aspect of the Christian doctrine of Trinity causes more scandal for Muslims than the part about the divinity of Jesus Christ. In Surah Al-Ma’ida 5:17, the Qur’an seems to denounce this belief in categorical terms: Here is Abdel Haleem’s translation of this verse: Those who say, “God is the Messiah, the son of Mary,” are…

A Muslim View of Trinity (1)

Several years ago, I was speaking to a small group in an Islamic Center when the topic of Trinity came up, almost out of nowhere. I was speaking on an altogether different subject when I casually mentioned that “monotheist” is a term used for Jews, Christians, and Muslims.  One gentleman immediately objected: “But Christians are not monotheists!”…